

* Please contact NTEU Chapter 67 at 801-620-6511 with any questions you may have.


Colleen Kelley Speaks to Stewards

Colleen Kelley spoke to NTEU 67 stewards today. Expressing her gratitude to chapter 67 for hosting the two day Labor Recognition event. Video to follow


I AM NTEU shirts for sale!

NTEU chapter 67 is selling comfortable "I AM NTEU" t-shirts to anyone interested in supporting Federal Employees across the Nation! $2.00 for all that are interested! They make great Labor Day presents, belated birthday presents, Thanksgiving attire and 100% cotton to keep you warm for the Holiday Season! Buy yours today!!

I AM NTEU t-shirts


Labor Recognition Week!!

Labor Rec. is finally here! NTEUchapter 67 is proud to host our National President Colleen Kelley! She will be speaking September 12 and the 13 at noon and 5 p.m. both days to accommodate all employees (swing shift and day shift) interested in attending. Our Legislation team has invited local candidates running for office in the upcoming elections. The candidates are invited to answer questions and listen to concerns from those that attend. Labor Rec. will be held at the Ogden Amphitheater located at 343 E 25th St. Ogden, UT. Members will receive a coupon for $2.00 off the purchase of food from the following vendors participating in the event: Golden Jade, Little Caesars, and Costa Vida. Please come out and join in the celebration and appreciation of Federal Employees and the hard work do for us!

Labor Rec. Flyer


Submission Processing Leave

NTEU Chapter 67 and the current Submission Processing Director have met recently to clarify the leave process in Submission Processing. The parties agree that the previous leave process negotiated by NTEU Chapter 67 and the agency are still in affect and employees will adhere to that agreement. Employees that are not aware of the negotiated agreement can read the attached document. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.

Submission Processing Leave Agreement


Prearranged Leave

We had stewards in the AM and Compliance Buildings a few weeks ago who asked members to vote on how much of the leave should go towards prearranged leave.  The final tally showed that the members overwhelmingly wanted that amount to be 25%.  We notified management in both AM and Compliance that 25% of the available leave should go towards the prearranged leave.   



NTEU 67 Behind the Scenes

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